Gripping the course
edge of the basin,
Mary gingerly lifts
the swirling water
from the abundant well.
Turning to leave, an
extraordinary vision
awaits, causing the
precious cargo to slip
from her trembling hands.
Etched in light, the angel's
lucid eyes, wisp of
golden hair, and flowing
opal robe transcend
an air of purity, holiness,
kindness, and peace.
Gabriel, the messenger,
has arrived to address
Mary, the chosen one.
This modest girl, surging
with humility, goodness,
love, and abundant faith,
has been selected to be
the mother of Jesus Christ.
Lacking a formative education,
royal lineage, or even a
husband, the virgin seems
an unlikely candidate for
this daunting position.
Yet, God appreciates her
righteous qualifications.
The miraculous conception will
alter the life of this young girl.
At this significant moment,
Mary does not concentrate
on the fear of rejection or
condemnation; instead
she voices praiseworthy
songs that reflect her
respectful stance for
this esteemed position.
Mary's courage and
praise in the face of
adversity illustrate how
we should approach the
challenges God plants
within our faith garden.
