Dusk is approaching, and a
chill filters through
the worn, linen wrap
of a lonely shepherd who
is guiding his flock along
the ridge of a ragged hill.
Tufts of grass amidst the
parched, pressed dirt
regale the brigade and
allow a moment of rest
for its weary inhabitants.
As the shepherd surveys the
horizon, he is struck by the
seemingly endless hills that
appear to unravel into the
distance as far as he can see.
This is the only life he has
ever known, for this skill
was passed down from
generation to generation.
Uneducated but highly skilled,
he vows to protect his sheep
and tends to their needs.
Haggard and aged, the lonely
shepherd has endured years of
monotony, fluctuating weather,
the danger of animal attacks,
as well as exhaustion from
trekking boundless trails.
Nothing extraordinary has
ever occurred during the
countless years on his watch.
As the sun descends and
the moon rises, it looks as if
the countless stars will
once again offer him
companionship throughout
the dark hours of the night.
This evening, one star
in particular illuminates
the sky in a brilliant blaze
and appears to target
its radiance to a specific
location nearby.
Suddenly, in the stillness,
thousands of figures
appear, silhouetted by
the moonlight and
translucent in nature.
The songs descending
from the heavens compel
the astonished witness to
his knees in reverent prayer
for this remarkable display
of God's great and powerful
glory. As he does so, one of
the angels addresses him and
says, "Do not be afraid, I
bring you good news of
great joy, for today, in the
town of David, a Savior
has been born to you; He
is Christ the Lord."
God's message declaring
the birth of Jesus did not
extend to royalty or political
figureheads; instead,
it was designed specifically
to be received by an ordinary
shepherd on a hillside.
How amazing!
