Inhale the word of God
Exhale hope, peace, comfort
Like ripples trickling in a flowing stream
cares and anxiety meander away
Fear tries to battle for my heart
but the love of God breaks its victory
Coronavirus, whose minute composition
wreaks havoc on our lungs and world,
pales in power to my almighty God
Emmanuel promises constant abidance
prompting me to surrender to His will
and discover serenity beyond comprehension
Separated, yet unified precious,
intertwined relationships conquer
the loneliness of a quarantine
Constant prayers unravel for those
cherished ones suffering economic
and emotional hardship
Love binds us together
Faith provides an unyielding shield as
we hover within the walls of Christ’s refuge
We shall overcome this horrific trial
together in our tapestry of strength
Deeply breathe in God’s love for you
For it is well with my soul
